Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Midnight Sun Run Masters Men's Honor Roll: Top 49 All Tme

I've updated and expanded the all time masters honor roll for the Midnight Sun Run.

I hadn't updated the "Top 40 at 40-49" list in a few years. And I've made the honor roll to include all masters times, up to 49 places for the 49th state. Heh heh, it's also my blog and I found a way to sneak myself in there with this year's effort.

Anyway, Mike Kramer and Chad Carroll have achieved the lofty status of running sub 35 this year, which is a very good acheivement for masters running. Only 10 masters runners in 31 years have run under 35 at the Midnight Sun Run. Kramer now has two of the top 10 times. His 34:25 this year is also a 45-49 record, beating 35:22 from 2005.

Athlinks has helped me find the ages of a few runners, but I'm still trying to discern a few (Greg Tibbits 1992, Tony Davies 1993, Thomas Egan 1986, Bruce Nelson 1998, John Loquvam 1993, James Ballentyne 1986.

1. 32:26 Bob Murphy (40) 1994
2. 32:43 Don Kardong (41) 1990
3. 33:03 Bob Murphy (41) 1995
4. 33:36  Bob Murphy (42) 1996
5. 33:37 Vernon Campbell (42) 1999
6. 33:41 Greg Tibbits (age) 1992
7. 33:50 Mike Kramer (41) 2009
8. 33:51 Bob Murphy (43) 1997
9. 33:53 Kevin Brinegar (42) 2009
10. 34:25 Mike Kramer (45) 2013
10. 34:25 Tony Davies (age) 1998
12. 34:29 John Loquvam (age) 1993
13. 34:44 Corky Hebard (43) 1985
14. 34:46 Chad Carroll (42) 2013
15. 35:08 Dan Callahan (42) 1993
16. 35:09 Thomas Egan (age) 1986
17. 35:17 Bruce Nelson (age) 1998
18. 35:19 Roy Reisinger (40) 1990
19. 35:20 Bob Spencer (40) 1993
20. 35:22 Corky Hebard (43) 1986
20. 35:22 Roger Sayre (47) 2005
22. 35:25 Dan Callahan (44) 1995
23. 35:34 Roger Sayre (48) 2006
24. 35:45 Dan Callahan (40) 1991
25 35:45 Roger Sayre (51) 2009
26. 35:45 Emil Magallanes (42) 1998
27. 35:53 James Ballentyne (age) 1986
28 35:56 Kevin Brinegar (41) 2010
29 35:57 Kevin Brinegar (43) 2012
30. 36:00 Dan Callahan (45) 1996
31. 36:02 Joe Trubacz (44) 2003
32. 36:02 Ron Johnson (43) 1988
33. 36:06 Bob Spencer (41) 1994
34. 36:07 Rocky Reifenstuhl (40) 1993
35. 36:08 Mark Lindberg (47) 2010
36. 36:11 Klaus Wuttig (40) 2009
37. 36:12 Rob Weiland (40) 2007
38. 36:16 Roger Sayre (54) 2012
39. 36:17 Andrew Ferguson (40) 2000
40. 36:22 Joe Trubacz (43) 2002
41. 36:22 Kelly Merrill (41) 1997
42. 36:23 Andy Holland (45) 2001
42 36:23 Chad Carroll (40) 2011
44 36:25 Ron Johnson (46) 1990
45. 36:28 Ross Newcombe (40) 2001
46. 36:29 Frank Bonzanich (48) 1990
47. 36:29 Joe Trubacz (42) 2001
48. 36:33 Wayde Leder (47) 2005
49. 36:36 Joe Trubacz (41) 2000
49. 36:36 Roger Sayre (55) 2013
Soon I'll update the age group listings, and one of these days need to start the masters women's rankings.

1 comment:

  1. I happened to stumble across your blog while noting the sad passing of Jim Loftus.

    FYI I would have been 40 years old in 1998. (Bruce Nelson, #17)

    Lots of familiar names on that list. Thanks for posting it!
